01245 400 653

Radio Rooftop Bar

The Radio rooftop Bar at the ME Hotel London was designed with a black and white colour scheme. The client wanted to add a wash of colour to the bar through the addition of curtains. The bar has phenomenal views across London and it was essential that the curtain fabric selected was sufficiently transparent so not to restrict the view. A Jab fabric was selected to create a blue wash around the perimeter of the bar, whilst still allowing full visibility.

To cover the full expanse of the glass, we installed Silent Gliss wave curtain tracks, which had to be bent in two places. The space between the columns and the fixed seating were tight and therefore we used 60mm wave gliders to keep the waves in the curtain small to allow sufficient room for operation. The client requested that the curtains open from either side of each column, this meant we had to carefully consider how the tracks were split.

The client contacted us two weeks before the Bar’s official launch party. This meant that all of the suppliers involved had to work to tight deadlines to ensure the project was delivered on time.

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